Book Release Date:

Book Release Date: May 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Level 14: Advance Praise for "Virtuous Worlds!"

If you've been waiting for a second opinion before you decide whether to buy Virtuous Worlds, or if you're just plain curious what other folks think, let me introduce you to a very special group of people.  These are five of the most intelligent human beings on the planet.  Okay, I may be a little biased here, but seriously, I'm honored to introduce the five individuals who agreed to read and endorse the manuscript of Virtuous Worlds some months ago before it was even close to hitting the market.

Here's what they had to say upon finishing the book:

Virtuous Worlds is just what anyone would need to bridge the gap between video games and Christianity.  Even someone like me who isn’t really a part of any religion can find this book uplifting and supportive.”

~Michelle “Akuriko” Morse, award-winning cosplayer, featured in Nintendo Power and showcased on,

If they ever do a Zelda movie, Michelle has the look of the character down pat.  She knows.  What.  She's.  Doing.

“While video games are often seen as immoral influences, Stanifer takes a more nuanced look.  Analyzing a variety of games, Stanifer discusses how they support Christian beliefs.  This will be a fun read for any Christian gamer and a reassuring one for many parents.”

~Scott Jones, Ph.D., Associate Professor of New Media Communication, Indiana University Kokomo

Had it not been for this man, I would never have discovered Gen Con in the first place.

“I was surprised and impressed at the number of spiritual lessons John drew from a variety of games.  Members of any faith can find tremendous worth in reading this book.  I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who has the misconception that video games are just for entertainment purposes.”

~Laura “Flute Link” Intravia, vocalist and flutist for Video Games Live, recipient of the Charles F. Hockett Scholarship for Composition,

Video Games Live is an internationally successful concert tour that combines the music of video games with the talents of a live orchestra.  Ever wanted to hear the Shanghai Symphony play the theme song from Super Mario Bros?  VGL has you covered.  I've been.  More than once.  It.  Was.  Awesome.

“In Virtuous Worlds, Stanifer will teach you to play video games better by understanding the spiritual truths of this world.  He will also do the reverse: he will teach you to play your life better by understanding the truths of the video gaming world.”

~Caleb Grimes, author of Star Wars Jesus,

The Force is with Caleb.  Wise, he is.  Generous, he is.  You don't know the power of Jesus and Star Wars combined.  It's deadly.

“So often Christians are fighting against culture, but John has utilized one of those rarely used gifts: the ability to see God’s Grace working in the world and through the lives of others even when they least expect it.”

~Rev. Derek White, Christian Gamers Guild,

Derek is a United Methodist Minister, a board member of the Christian Gamers Guild, and a frequent Gen Con attendee.

All of these quotes will be appearing on the back cover of Virtuous Worlds, but like I said, I wanted you to see them here first.

Just a few more weeks.  Hold tight!

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