Book Release Date:

Book Release Date: May 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Level 13: When & Where to Buy VW, How to Get a Signed Copy

Since we're coming down to the wire here and Virtuous Worlds is expected to be released within the next month, I thought it was about time to remind everyone when and where they can buy the book and how to get their copy signed.

Virtuous Worlds will be released in May.  I don't have an exact release date, and even if I did, it could actually come out before then, as has happened in the past with some of my publisher's other books.  I feel pretty safe saying that the book is a month away, give or take a few days.

When the book does become available, it will be sold online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  You might check with your local bookstore to see if they are able to order it, but the easiest way to get it will be through one of these two sites.

If you live in Indiana, I plan on doing a few signings in the Kokomo area and possibly in the Indianapolis area if that can be arranged.  I'll post details as soon as they're worked out.

For anyone who wants their copy of the book signed, I'm more than happy to sign it!  There are three main ways I see of doing this:

1.  Come to a signing.

2.  Arrange to meet me in person.  As I don't know exactly when or where the signings will take place yet, you may decide you want your copy signed beforehand (or you may not be able to make it to a signing for whatever reason).  Feel free to get in touch with me by email (j s t a n i f e AT a l u m n i DOT e d u) or on Facebook, and we'll try to work something out.

3.  Send me your copy by mail.  If all else fails and we can't meet in person, you're welcome to send me a copy of the book to sign and return by post.  IMPORTANT: PLEASE INCLUDE RETURN POSTAGE IF YOU ARE GOING WITH THIS OPTION.  Contact me by email (see above) or Facebook, and I'll gladly send you my postal address if you need it.

That's all for now.  If I get wind that my publisher is ready to take orders for the book, or if anything else exciting comes up, I'll post it here.  Keep watching, and thanks for reading!

EDIT: Technically, this falls under #2 above, but if you are someone I run into on a regular basis or you live in the Kokomo area (that includes you, Billy Wong), feel free to harangue me for a copy of the book, as I plan on carrying a small pile of them with me everywhere I go in case I meet someone who is interested.

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