Book Release Date:

Book Release Date: May 2011

Friday, October 15, 2010

Level 3: Book Description from Winged Lion Press

Still no word on an official release date for Virtuous Worlds, but I do have an interesting update on the publication front.  Professor James Thomas of Pepperdine University, author of Repotting Harry Potter and regular guest speaker at some of the country's largest Harry Potter conventions, has a new book coming out from Winged Lion Press just in time for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 in the cinema.  The book will be titled Rowling Revisited and is being billed as a sequel to Dr. Thomas's earlier work.

What does this have to do with Virtuous Worlds?  As is common with many publishers, books from Winged Lion Press include a catalog of upcoming titles printed somewhere near the back of the volume.  Rowling Revisited will be the first book from WLP to feature an ad for Virtuous Worlds!

Here is the full text of the announcement that will be appearing in the back of Dr. Thomas's book:

Virtuous Worlds: The Video Gamer’s Guide to Spiritual Truth (pub 2011)
John Stanifer

According to a recent report, there were 34.2 million units sold of video game hardware or "consoles" in 2009. This does not include much larger sales numbers for the actual games. Popular titles like Halo 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fly off shelves at a mind-blowing rate. John Stanifer, an avid gamer, goes beyond a general overview and shows readers specific parallels between Christian faith and the content of their favorite games. Written with wry humor (including a "heckler" who frequently pokes fun at the author) this book will appeal to gamers and non-gamers alike. Those unfamiliar with video games may be pleasantly surprised to find many elements in those "virtual worlds" that also qualify them as "virtuous worlds."

Speaking as someone who has read Dr. Thomas's earlier book, I can say I'm very much looking forward to the new release (and not just because of a certain announcement in the back of the book).

Expecto Patronum!

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